Don't Try to Figure Out Those in Love - 36" x 60"
Be Grateful for Whoever Comes - 48" x 60"
Make Friends With Your Burning - 60" x 48"
My Soul Heard Something From Your Soul- 48" x 60"
Welcome The Unexpected Visitor, #1 & #2 36" x 36" each
Visions Not Recorded 48" x 48"
In Disciplined Silence it Opens - Rumi, 18" x 18"
SOLD It is the Pleasure of the Flower to Yield its Honey, 48" x 48”
SOLD Love Unexplained Is Clearer, 36" x 48"
SOLD, I Heard A Love Story And Started Looking For You - #1 & #2, 36" x 60" each
SOLD, Grace Comes Without Warning To An Open Heart”, – 60" x 48"
SOLD, The Art of Knowing Is Knowing What to Ignore”, – 48” x 60”
SOLD, Hung Suspended Between The Worlds, 60" x 48"
SOLD, The Strange Pull of What You Love, 18" x 18"
SOLD When I Am With You We Stay Up All Night” #1, 36” x 36”
When I Am With You We Stay Up All Night” #2, 36” x 36”
SOLD, Untie Your Wings and Free Your Soul, #2 and #3, 24” x 24”
SOLD Today, Say New Things, 36" x 60"
SOLD Be Empty of Worry, 24" x24"
SOLD Unexpected Pleasures”, 30” x 24”
SOLD Open the Window and Invite in the Moon” – 40” x 40”
SOLD You Are the Universe in Ecstatic Motion, 48" x 48"
SOLD Break Through Into Joy, 60" x 48"
SOLD Wherever You Stand, Be That Place , 36" x 48"
SOLD No Such Thing As Separation, 72" x 36"
SOLD, Nothing Now Except the Divine Qualities - Rumi, 31" x 50"
SOLD, Forget What Does Not Help You Dance, 48" x 48"
SOLD, Keep Breaking Your Heart until it Opens – Rumi, 36" x 36" acrylic on canvas.
SOLD, Be Still and Listen, 40" x 40"
SOLD Fall in Love, Stay There, 16" x 20"
SOLD It Is The Inner Bond That Draws, 60" x 36"
SOLD Beauty Springs From a Sacred Depth 40" x 40"
SOLD Make the Invisible Plain - Rumi, 48" x 48"
SOLD Free of Who I Was, 60" x 48"
SOLD, Born of love. Love is our Mother - Rumi, 36" x 48"
SOLD Knock and Joy Will Open 48" x 48"
SOLD Sweet Blasphemy is Truest Devotion 48" x 60"
SOLD Destroy Your Reputation. Be Notorious - Rumi 30" x 40"
SOLD, Only From the Heart can You Touch the Sky - Rumi 48" x 48"
SOLD A Sublime Generosity is Coming 48" x 48"
SOLD Be Empty of Worrying - Rumi, 30" x 48"
SOLD Eyesight Conflicts with Inner Knowing 48" x 48
SOLD "Carry You Home", 48" x 60"
SOLD What You Cannot Imagine, I Shall Be That - Rumi, 48" x 48"
SOLD The Sky will Bow to Your Beauty - Rumi, 48" x 36"
SOLD 40" x 40" Love Gambles Away every Gift God Bestows.- Rumi
SOLD, For the Sake of Love I Gave up Wealth - Rumi, 25" x 40"
SOLD Love Raises up its Head from My Heart - Rumi, 30" x 40"
SOLD I was Shy. You Made Me Sing. - Rumi, 24" x 24"
SOLD The Root of Everything - Rumi. 36" x 36"
SOLD Leave the Familiar for Awhile - Hafiz, 40" x 65"
SOLD Hindsight 30" x 30"
SOLD, What Need Have You for a Crown - Rumi 36" x 48"
SOLD Shake the Yellow Leaves from the Bough of Your Heart - Rumi, 30" x 40"
SOLD, We Carry Inside us the Wonders, 30" x 30"
SOLD involve Yourself in Essence -Rumi 24" x 24"
SOLD Begin that Long Journey into Yourself - Rumi, 48” x 48”
SOLD Love is the Bridge Between You and Everything - Rumi, 48" x 48"
SOLD Sight is Too Weak to Take in This Reality- Rumi, 40" x 65"
The wind is perfect – Rumi, 24" x 30"
SOLD, In Friendship Time Dissolves - Rumi, 36" x 60"
SOLD You Must Have Shadow and Light - Rumi, 36" x 36"
SOLD What Thing Could Remain Hidden Under Such a Light – Rumi, 31" x 50"
SOLD Soul Receives from Soul – Rumi 24" x 24"